Sunday, January 13, 2008

Darlene's Smiling Eyes

Yesterday was my first "Smiling Eyes" Photo shoot! Smiling Eyes is an organization I volunteer with - giving families touched by cancer a complimentary photo shoot to help ease the pain of the journey a bit. I find after spending time with people who have dealt with cancer, I wan to hug my kids a bit tighter and a bit longer and talk to my hubby more. These are the moments I want to capture for people dealing with cancer.

Darlene was a joy to photograph. Not only is she gorgeous - but so much fun! How fitting for "Smiling Eyes" that she brought along a collection of crazy glasses she collects. Her children Trevor and Jennifer were a lot of fun also and willing to do anything! The loving looks between mom and child was beautiful to watch.

Thanks for a fun afternoon!

And if you or someone you know is going through the journey of cancer - please let someone at Smiling Eyes know so you too can have a photo session! There are some great photographers signed up in different areas of Ontario!


Darlene and her adoring kids!



Jen got a piggy back from Trevor - so Darlene felt like she needed one too!!






Now I think this picture screams Smiling Eyes! Hilarious!


Darlene brought enough glasses for them all! Rachel shown here was the support person! She did the makeup and held coats - and helped make people laugh! Thanks Rachel!!


Darlene, I hope as you walk this journey that you can look back on these photos with your kids and remember all the love and support that surrounds you!



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Smiling Eyes

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Awhile ago I made a new friend - Christine from Click Photography. She and I started e-mailing and had so much in common. When we finally met for a playdate at the beach it was eery how much alike we were - each of us with our two daughters, both of us wearing the same shorts, carrying the same beach bag, and on and on it went. It has been a lot of fun to develop this friendship.

Well, one thing Christine should be so proud of is something she has developed called "Smiling Eyes" - and I am so thrilled to announce my involvement! Smiling Eyes is a collection of photographers, who are volunteering their time to help people dealing with cancer. Photographers donate a free photo shoot and a CD of all the images from the shoot (all complimentary with no strings attached!) to families going through the battle of cancer. This is a way to help people make the journey with cancer a little less difficult.

I'm so excited to be a part of this now!

Read more here!

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